Wednesday, April 11, 2012

i am new.

yesterday was my 1 year anniversary since i was baptized by one of my best friends, sam. it was such a special day. i had promised that i would share what i wrote in my journal on that day, so here goes nothing!

April 10th, 2011

Today I got baptized! I was feeling hesitant because of the way my mind has been working lately. I woke up in the middle of the night to Sam's alarm and happened to look at my phone. Mark had texted me saying that it was officially the day of my baptism and that is he was squirming with excitement. That really put my mind into perspective! Sam and I woke up around 9:50 with complete joy. We struggled to get ready and managed to get out the door with our baptism clothes in hand and met Breanna and Matt in the lobby. We were late of course, so I was naturally tweaking out. We got to the car and sped to the church. I called my mom on the way and she told me that they had already gotten there and that they were waiting outside. This made me that much more impatient! We pulled up to find my dad and mom waiting outside in the gorgeous weather. I immediately asked where Jenna and Neil were and gave them big hugs. We walked into the church to find it completely packed! This just made me more anxious and worried. We found a row of seats for my family, but there weren't enough seats for Sam's family. The row behind us was a "reserved" row but we quickly found that it was okay for them to sit at. I quickly greeted DJ and Haley and made my way down to talk to Justin. He explained that Kelly was on her way with Hannah and Emma. Before the service started, Sam and I went to talk to Brandon about baptizing each other. He was hesitant, but said it was okay after he talked with Jeff. We eventually made our way back to our seats when the band began. I couldn't believe that today was the day! Jeff spoke, and I prayed that the Holy Spirit would fill up my family. He used funny stories and really spoke to the hearts of the people in attendance. After he was done speaking, Sam and I went to change. This was making it real! After we changed, we returned to the service and stood in line to be baptized. I instantly began to tear up. Once we made it up to the front, Jeff came and prayed for about 4 of us. Ben asked us a bunch of questions to make sure we were ready. It was so hard to hear him over the music and the praising. After he left, Kristen came up to pray for me. I started to cry harder and heard shouts of joy from the crowd. I soon realized people were already getting baptized. Amy was next to us taking pictures. Once I opened my eyes, Sam was already way ahead of me. Kelly came up and hugged and kissed me and I cried harder. The baptisms were shown on the screen, and i really hoped my mom made it back in time. We walked up to the trough and Jeff stepped away. At this point, Sam got into the trough and I began to cry. I could barely choke the words out to baptize her, but eventually she went down and we cried and hugged. I was next! I jumped in and got baptized! What an amazing feeling! I jumped out and headed over to the side and worshiped. I eventually headed back up to my seat and was only there for a few seconds until I saw Emma, Jacey, and Kelly on the screen. I ran up, bawling, and watched Emma get baptized! How amazing! She got out and I cried and hugged her tight. We soon after went to the bathroom so she could put dry clothes on. She then explained to me that she forgot her phone was in her pocket and had such a good attitude about it. We went back in to worship and I went to stand in the front with Kelly and company. I soon after looked up to see DJ getting baptized. I sobbed and sobbed. I gave him and Haley a big hug and could not even believe this was happening. They came to see me get baptized and in turn got baptized! I cried so many tears of joy! I later went back to see my parents and then grabbed my camera to go take pictures with my friends. We took pictures and then left. After taking Tara, Matt, and Breanna to the Bone we went to Olive Garden to have a delicious meal all together. Our moms and Jenna returned with a big congrats balloon and a gorgeous flower for our new house! We went in, ordered, ate, and opened gifts. I got a dress, a smoothie maker, a check, and some stuff for my camera. We shared great food and conversation together. After we finished up, we went to the parking lot and i got a bag of goodies and said goodbye to my family. I love them so much and it was so hard for me to say goodbye to them. We headed to the new ClearView location and attempted a few jumping pictures. It was fun but we weren't successful. We soon returned to the parking garage and decided to take our stuff back and then get slushies. After returning to the dorm, we did laundry and attempted some homework. Currently doing homework. GOD IS GOOD.

God has changed me in so many ways this past year. Mostly, He has changed my heart.

Yesterday I had a celebratory dinner with Emma who also got baptized on the same day. She came to support me and felt the nudge to get baptized! Two of my Young Life kids came to see me get baptized that day and got baptized! Words can't describe that day. I'm not sure I have ever felt so much joy.

#267: Lie on your back and look at the stars.

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