Wednesday, September 19, 2012

it's the little things.

wednesday's are one of my very favorite days of the week. i get to spend almost my whole day at my internship and then spend the night at small group. i have to confess, i woke up with a bad attitude. i woke up saying "it's just going to be one of those days." i even e-mailed my advisor that i do my internship with saying "it's just going to be one of those days." ya know what, i had an attitude check on my walk to my office today. i gave myself a pep talk the whole way. i also yanked my skirt down and tucked in my shirt about every 5 steps. hint: don't wear a pencil skirt with a shirt tucked in when you wear your backpack. it is a hassle.

i dressed up especially nice today because i had to visit our fall career fair for my sociology careers class. the last time i had been to a career or internship fair was when i was a marketing major. boy, i would have had much better luck if i was still interested in pursuing marketing at this fair today. almost all of the tables were oriented towards business majors. anyways, i made my way through our ballroom to find the one table i was actually interested in: city year. i loved talking to the reps that were all about city year and couldn't wait to tell me more. city year takes in teams of young adults that are fresh out of college in areas with large drop out rates, like chicago, and advocates for students to continue with their education and make it to college. when i think about city year, i think about people that are passionate and are cheerleaders to kids that don't feel like they have much to look forward to.

it's the little things. like meeting people at a fair that are so passionate about their jobs. and getting jimmy john's delivered right to your desk. and sneaking in time to read redeeming love. and diet coke. and worship music on spotify. and forgetting your ID in your office, having to walk back (angry, of course) and then "coincidentally" running into a friend. isn't it funny how God works? He controls my motions and steps even when i don't understand. i was so upset that i had to go all the way back to my office to get my ID and then i ran into alec. if i hadn't been forgetful, i wouldn't have run into my friend! embrace the little things, friends.

also, i had such a great weekend. here's some pics.

aren't my friends beautiful? i am beyond blessed by these ladies.

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