Sunday, April 1, 2012

weekend re-cap and a start to a summer bucket list.

i had an awesome weekend. here's a quick re-cap:

thursday: it was rainy. so i didn't have to work patio. instead, i spent time with Yang, a cutie from a few of my classes. i spent time with her and her friends. it was incredible. we ate our weight in authentic Chinese dumplings and i helped them practice their english.

friday: i worked at medici. my highlights of the day were seeing mark in the opera at IWU and spending some extended time with mandy. we drove, chatted, and may have even spent some time at the windmills.

saturday: i spent the morning with kristen. we studied, ate food, and had heart to hearts. she is my favorite. the rest of my day was spent at medici at a meeting and serving at night.

sunday (today): church, group project, hospitality re-tooling, and team meeting. the Lord rocked my socks off. can't wait to tell you about it.

this is the START to a summer bucket list that stevie and i came up with at our weekly coffee date last week. here's the rough draft:

1. camping for at least one weekend- must have a body of water.
2. at least one trip to the zoo
3. spontaneous roadtrips
4. going to a drive-in movie
5. "the undefinable"- increasing our community with people from all 3 B-N college campuses
6. lock-in at clearview
7. run a mile without stopping (this is a big deal for me, i know it's pathetic)
8. many pool parties @ kristen's
9. many bonfires
10. go to at least one concert
11. lots of thrifting
12. lots of crafting
13. having women's time at least once a week
14. have a baking party
15. have a movie marathon (probably mary-kate and ashley)
16. make new friends
17. fly kites
18. have a legit picnic
19. have a barbecue
20. go to st. louis
21. go to a fair/carnival
22. have a love your body day (probably a spa day)
23. go hiking
24. take the train to chicago
25. find new hobbies
26. be "good deed elves"
27. photo shoot

* i think this is a start to a beautiful list

# 331: live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation.

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